Artist in conversation: ERNEST COMPTA

Catalan artist and architect, based in Barcelona.

- Welcome to The Holy Art. Could you tell us a little more about your background, and how did you begin creating art?

I studied architecture at the University of Barcelona and, as a result of the crisis of 2008, I began to paint continuously.

- What art do you most identify with?

Abstraction and expressionism.

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- Can you describe one artwork or series from your oeuvre that you feel was pivotal in your career? 

No, because each one expresses something different.

- Which other great artists inspire you and why?

Picasso, Francis Bacon and Lucien Freud, for its innovative character and for its freedom.



- Can you talk about the process of creating your work?

I always listen to music and I get carried away by the painting itself.

- Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?

I am inspired by the faces of people in the street, bars, the subway.


- What is your dream project?

That my works connect with people.


-  Finally, are there any projects you are currently working on and able to speak about?

I keep working and evolving on the same topic: the human condition.


The Holy Art meets The Frustrative


The Holy Art meets Rocio a.k.a RGM