The Holy Art meets Gustaf Elias

Gustaf Elias (b. 1994): Autodidactic professional photographer, artist, designer, and founder of Gustaf Elias Studios which incorporates his multifaceted creative practices. The fascination of colour, shape, form, design and feeling, has captivated and been a driving force since young years. Now holding a bachelor degree in art history with visual studies, and currently studying architecture at Chalmers University of Technology parallell to artistic endeavours, his practice today spans multiple fields and questions. However, it often centers primarily around stage expressions, the iconic, emotional conveyance, and an exploration of the borderland between reality and imaginary worlds. Add here poetic and philosophical discussions about existence and visual cultures.

Follow Gustaf: W. IG. @gustaf.elias


"ART & DESIGN" Group Exhibition - Round Up!


Artist in conversation: ARIEL CHAVARRO AVILA