
Originally presented at our physical exhibition “Facade”.

Angels: in unison And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?’

‘Jezebel’ is inspired by a play of the same name written by a 16 years old Nataza Strapko when moving from Kalisz, a religious town in Poland, to live in South London. In a modern interpretation of the story from the Old Testament, where the Phoenician princess is thrown out of the window and her flesh was eaten by dogs, for her transgressions against God, Nataza handles themes of religious judgement and female sexuality in a modern setting. She tells the story of a young mother in an abusive relationship whose downfall is witnessed by a chorus of angels. Nataza, now 23 years old is studying at University, she has ASD and has an intricate way of analysing and interacting with the world which is shown within the piece.

The film is a triptych: it plays one, two or three 9:16 screens and can be watched using up to three devices. 

A film by Alice Andrews and Stella Scott

Shot in Kalisz and Poznan, Poland, January 2019


Nataza Strapko


Melody Teatr Ruchu and the pupils of Ewa Zawieja’s drama group


George Grinling

Platform designer: Tom Riley

@aliceitaandrews1 @stella_scott



Artist in conversation: Valeria Ganzman


“Facade” physical exhibition in London