The Holy Art meets Lucrezia Costa

Lucrezia Costa started her practice with photography, that is still part of her artistic research in a renewed way, also if the media she’s working with at the moment are videoperformance and site-specific installations. She uses heterogeneous media but the fil rouge is the same: to tell her story of the world in order to exorcise fears and difficulties because she constantly needs an interior pacification, element that makes her artistic research starts.

Her artistic practice involves materials which are largely present in nature, such as stones, earth, sand, pebbles and clay that she uses in different way in her projects, also depending on the medium she’s working with. Lately the artist is very connected to earth and she’s trying to understand the deep relationship that brings her to everything is undertaken, hidden or trapped in the geological strata realized by deep time.

She is constantly studying the “crack” concept, but also the “temporal passage” concept to be intended in a Bergsonian view and the discomfort feeling caused by a body position or a mental status. These concepts are often seen as negative things but in the artist works they become unexpected events that can generate new imaginaries and an unexpected possibilism. Her artistic inspiration is Robert Smithson, which accompanies her in all the researches..

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"Facade" Physical Exhibition - Photo Gallery


Aura exhibition: A jaw-dropping experience, according to Alice Camera!