Artist in conversation: Megan Watson

Megan Watson is a digital artist for the North East of England, working in 3D and 2D design to explore the relationship between technology, humanity, and nature.

Follow Megan here.

- Tell us a little bit about yourself and your practice!

I’m a digital artist from the North East of England, working in 3D and 2D design to explore the relationship between technology, humanity, and nature.

In my most recent work Natural AI I’ve been exploring the idea of AI as an organic self-developing form. What if Iron ore’s instead of being mined, opened like wombs and metallic post-humans emerged independently? Birthed from an interest in mythology, posthumanism theories, and AI representation in the media, Natural AI imagines the evolution of nature, technology, and humanity coalesced into one singular entity.

Janelle Shane AI researcher called AI “A weird force of nature.” Sam Harris neuroscientist and philosopher ended his TedTalk on AI saying, “we have to admit we are in the process of building some kind of god.” I find the language used when talking about AI technology and how that related to AI’s representation in films and tv shows really interesting.

In films such as HER and Blade Runner 2049 or tv shows like Humans, the emotional side of AI and what happens when the technology develops consciousness is at the forefront. I think this is particularly interesting because it reflects humanity in so many different ways. In the TV show Humans, the emotional parts of humans that are sometimes seen as faults are the parts that make people refer to the AI creations as “extraordinary” and “brilliant.”

I believe there’s a lot we can learn from nature and technology and vice versa.

- Where did you learn your art? Have you been formally trained?

I studied Design at Goldsmiths University in South East London after finishing three years studying Fine art at a local college. My educational background has been quite versatile and conceptual, a lot of the 3D and AI software I’m using now I’ve just experimented with and watched YouTube tutorials to learn how to use it.



- Have you been working on anything new recently?

I’ve just started a really exciting project with some local galleries to develop my Natural AI work, I’ll be making some announcements about that project soon on Instagram.

- What are your thoughts in regard to the virtual exhibitions? Are they

here to stay?

I hope they stay! I like the limitless opportunities with digital shows, I’ve seen some really creative layouts and room designs recently. I also think they’re a really good way to build up excitement to physical versions of the shows as well as being a new way to make art shows more inclusive and accessible.



- What was the best advice given to you as an artist?

Make whatever you want to make. The more authentically you the better.


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