Artist in conversation: Ricardo Cheferrino

Ricardo Cheferrino was born in the early 1970s in the picturesque Brazilian surf-city of Niterói, located just north of the iconic Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. From a young age Ricardo immersed himself in creative art and comic books.

This combined with a love of surfing and design inspired him to study Architecture in Rio de Janeiro. Architecture was his ticket to explore the world and throughout the 2000s, Ricardo travelled extensively living the dream of surfing while expanding his vision of life, design and sporting lifestyles while working abroad in Ireland and New Zealand.

The early influence of American comic art-style, dynamic anatomy drawing skills, combined with graphic design brought to life his trademark style Surfart. Surfart is the perfect synergy of the Artist’s cultural heritage and passion for art, design, surfing lifestyle, and ongoing desire to explore the depths of movement and composition. Ricardo’s artistic works are best articulated as a fusion of digital and traditional medias expressed through depictions of dramatic surfing action featuring waves and oceans iconography.

- Welcome to The Holy Art. Could you tell us a little more about your background, and how did you begin creating art?

Thanks. I am an architect and have been trying to be a professional artist for 15 years.To promote my work as a t-shirt designer I have started to draw and paint the themes of Surfing and Skateboarding.

- What art do you most identify with?

The biggest influence of my work is the American comic book art style.


- Can you describe one artwork or series from your oeuvre that you feel was pivotal in your career?

I truly believe that my best and most important artwork will be my next that I haven't done yet.


- Which other great artists inspire you and why?

My favourite artist is Frank Frazetta from USA. His dramatic compositions ,full of sexuality, action, amazing portrait of dynamic anatomy and bold colours.You see it and your world has changed; your imagination has been expanded.


- Can you talk about the process of creating your work?

Usually, I start collecting different references to create one single image, them I create a collage on photoshop and study the colours and composition.When I am satisfied, I start to draw and paint on the board using pencil and watercolor. Once is finished I scan the art and do post-production on photoshop adding effects and graphics elements.


- What advice would you give to emerging artists entering the art world?

Study hard, very hard and never stops!


- What do you hope that the public takes away from your art?

I wish to make them practice boardsports and live this lifestyle full of freedom and joy. I have been living this for 40 years now.


- What is your dream project?

To be able to travel around the world surfing and creating art from surf spots as references.

- Finally, are there any projects you are currently working on and able to speak about?

I have finished the project "Surfing is Life" and now I am starting the new one called "Skate or Die".It is the same concept but with skateboarding.



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