Artist in conversation: Selin Liokoura

‘‘I am a painter inspired by the sea and love, two elemental forces that deeply touch my soul. Art, for me, is a form of personal psychoanalysis, where each painting is an exploration of my inner world. I use materials that create textures and an intense feel in my work, embracing a mixed-media approach that allows each piece to express its own story. My goal is for my art to be present in diverse spaces—whether in homes, businesses, or shops—so it can connect with a broad audience. The emotional response of viewers is a vital part of my creative process, as each of my paintings seeks to touch the viewer on a profound level. During creation, I listen to music and prefer to work alone, allowing myself to fully immerse in the process.’’

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What initially inspired you to become an artist, and how did you develop your unique style?

EN: The sea and love have always been a source of inspiration for me. When I paint, I feel as if I am on a path of self-psychoanalysis, with each brushstroke leading me deeper into my emotions. Art is the voice of my soul.

FR: La mer et l’amour ont toujours été pour moi une source d’inspiration. Lorsque je peins, j’ai l’impression de suivre un chemin de psychanalyse personnelle, où chaque coup de pinceau me guide plus profondément dans mes émotions. L’art est la voix de mon âme.

Do you have any rituals or routines that help you get into a creative mindset when starting a new project?

EN: I listen to music that resonates with my inner energy, and I need to be alone in my space. Isolation helps me dive into the process and allows my emotions to flow freely.

FR: J’écoute de la musique qui résonne avec mon énergie intérieure, et je préfère être seule dans mon espace. L’isolement m’aide à plonger dans le processus et laisse mes émotions s’exprimer librement.

With over eight years in the industry, how has your perspective on film and visual art evolved? Are there any moments or projects that were turning points for you?

EN: Over the years, my perspective on art has deepened. Each project and every technique I discover brings me closer to the essence of expressing oneself through color and textures.

FR: Au fil des années, ma perspective sur l’art s’est approfondie. Chaque projet et chaque technique que je découvre me rapprochent de l’essence de l’expression à travers les couleurs et les textures.

You use innovative techniques and mixed media in your installations. Could you share more about your experimentation with materials and how that influences the impact of your work?

EN: I use materials that create strong textures in my work, integrating the energy and history of each brushstroke. This mixed approach allows me to create pieces that touch the viewer on multiple levels.

FR: J’utilise des matériaux qui donnent des textures intenses à mes œuvres, intégrant l’énergie et l’histoire de chaque coup de pinceau. Cette approche mixte me permet de créer des pièces qui touchent le spectateur à plusieurs niveaux.

Can you describe a project that you’re particularly proud of and explain what made it stand out for you?

EN: One of my favorite works is a painting inspired by the deep blue of the sea and passionate love. Every texture, every color, expresses something profound and unique, something that has left an indelible mark on my heart.

FR: L’une de mes œuvres préférées est un tableau inspiré par le bleu profond de la mer et l’amour passionné. Chaque texture, chaque couleur, exprime quelque chose de profond et d’unique, quelque chose qui a laissé une marque indélébile dans mon cœur.

How do you incorporate feedback from critics and audiences into your artistic practice, and how do you balance this feedback with your own artistic intuition?

EN: I value feedback from critics and audiences, but I always strive to keep my own voice alive. It’s a balance between my personal truth and the reactions I receive from others.

FR: J’apprécie les retours des critiques et du public, mais j’essaie toujours de maintenir ma propre voix. C’est un équilibre entre ma vérité personnelle et les réactions que je reçois des autres.

How do you stay motivated and inspired despite any setbacks or creative blocks you may encounter?

EN: My love for my art is my driving force, even in difficult moments. Every obstacle is an opportunity to find new paths and discover new facets of my creativity.

FR: Mon amour pour mon art est ma force motrice, même dans les moments difficiles. Chaque obstacle est une occasion de trouver de nouveaux chemins et de découvrir de nouvelles facettes de ma créativité.

How do you feel about exhibiting your artworks with The Holy Art Gallery?

EN: Collaborating with The Holy Art Gallery fills me with joy, as it’s an opportunity to share my world with a broader audience and to see how my work touches people from different backgrounds.

FR: Collaborer avec The Holy Art Gallery me remplit de joie, car c’est une occasion de partager mon univers avec un public plus large et de voir comment mon travail touche des personnes de divers horizons.

Looking ahead, what are your long-term goals and aspirations as an artist, and how do you plan to achieve them?

EN: I dream of my art being present in various spaces—living in homes, businesses, and stores. To convey emotions and leave a subtle imprint wherever it resides.

FR: Je rêve que mon art soit présent dans divers espaces — qu’il vive dans des maisons, des entreprises, et des magasins. Transmettre des émotions et laisser une empreinte discrète où qu’il se trouve.

What role does emotion play in your creative process, and how do you aim to evoke specific feelings or reactions from those who view your artworks?

EN: Emotion is at the core of my creative process. I want my paintings to speak to the viewer’s heart, awakening them and accompanying them on their personal journeys. Each work is an open invitation to delve into their own emotions.

FR: L’émotion est au cœur de mon processus créatif. Je veux que mes tableaux parlent au cœur des spectateurs, les éveillent et les accompagnent dans leurs voyages personnels. Chaque œuvre est une invitation ouverte à plonger dans leurs propres émotions.


London Open Art & Art On Loop - 31st january 2025
