The Holy Art meets Stine

In the archipelago in Stockholm, Värmdö, we find the linocut artist Stine.

She creates hand-printed linocuts, blurring the line between graphics and painting.

Stine work a lot to bring out variegation in the print itself, to create life, movement and depth in the

artworks. A “perfect” print is not the goal, individual artworks are created here and not classic print series.

When Stine creates, it is often with simple contrasts and few colors. She mixes the printing color “carelessly” to avoid an even color, and to rather have it break with another or multiple colors.

She also likes to use other techniques in her creation such as watercolor to create a dynamic

between the static in the print, and the more alive watercolor.

Through her art, she lets her inner perfectionist rest in the “unfinished”.

That she can never fully control the final result triggers her creativity and curiosity.Follow Stine here:


"PRAXIS" Group Exhibition - Round Up!


"Codes of the Unconscious" Group Exhibition - Round Up!