Boris Rodnyy

Boris Rodnyy is one such mythmaking artist. Plot and compositions of his works are visually related to the archetypal symbols of pre-Renaissance cultures. Boris Rodnyy contemplates and reconstructs traditional symbolic forms, based on which he creates his own sign system, the informational modules of which project a model of the world emerging from the chaos of nothingness. The way Boris Rodnyy realizes this idea is reminiscent of a trance-like state. He paints with a single line, almost never lifting it from the canvas. His meticulous, filigree graphics could be blueprints of the lost Atlantis, revelations of mystical ancient Chinese plastromancy on turtle plastron, fragments of the enormous geoglyphs of Nazca in Peru, or Tibetan sand mandalas. Rodnyy's visual imagery astonishingly combines the cold logic of Western culture with the irrationality, nature-centrism, and cyclicality of Eastern worldview. The laboriousness of the process and the detail of the compositions is key to understanding the concept of his series. The visual code created by Boris unites the digital virtual present with the modernist past, making his works simultaneously timeless and relevant. A self-taught artist, whose creative foundation is not influenced by schools of contemporary art or the traditional academy but is based on the scale of his personality, deep knowledge of both the humanities and technical sciences, and research expeditions to the most remote countries in order to identify cultural codes and gain spiritual, sometimes mystical experience. It is precisely for this reason that Rodnyy's creativity cannot be considered outside the context of his life and worldview. control.


Anna Moore


Barbara Derecka