Artist in conversation: Dovemania!

Carla Siso, is an illustrator, artist, and creator of Dovemania!, crafts original, fun, and colorful hand-drawn illustrations of doves on various themes to spread messages of peace, love, and joy. Her journey began a few years ago when she rescued a dove chick and brought it home. During that time, she was struggling with depression, and the dove became her source of comfort. Although the dove eventually passed away, it continues to serve as her magnificent inspiration for creating Dovemania!

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What initially inspired you to become an artist, and how did you develop your unique style?

I have always liked art, drawing, cartoons, movies, animation .... When I was kid I used to draw the cartoons while watching them on TV. So I suppose fate wanted me to do this , a tribute to my dove, creating original, colorful and fun illustrations of doves, to spread a message of peace, love and joy with them.

Do you have any rituals or routines that help you get into a creative mindset when starting a new project?

I like swimming, it gives me peace , helps me feel better physically and mentally, and helps me have a more creative mind. Also, I like walking through a park, watching birds helps me a lot to think about myself and my creative projects.

Can you share more the inspiration to start Dovemania?

It all started a few years ago, When I rescued a dove chick on the ground and took it to my house. At that time, I was going through depression and when I was sad, I leaned on her. She passed away but she was my inspiration to create Dovemania! .

What specific elements in your illustrations help convey the themes of peace, love, and joy? Can you describe a piece that you feel best represents these themes?

Doves have always been a symbol of peace and love around the world. So I make illustrations of doves on various themes , for example I have an illustration about love, visually I draw a couple of doves in love, which also represent love and fidelity for life. Also, for example, my life motto is “Live and Let live”, and I have an illustration that represents that, peace for all.

Can you share a particular project or photograph that stands out to you and explain the creative process behind it?

I draw illustrations of doves of various themes, but I also sometimes express myself drawing. There is an illustration titled “Heartache”, which for example I based on my own life and I wanted to represent the dove as me , in a sad situation full of pain, that pain breaks the heart and I represent it with an arrow straight to the heart.

How do you incorporate feedback from critics and audiences into your artistic practice, and how do you balance this feedback with your own artistic intuition?

The truth is that , since I started my work, the support and affection of people has been very good, and it is clear that it is positive for me, it makes me happy, but equally I know what I want to do and my own intuition about my artwork.

How do you stay motivated and inspired despite any setbacks or creative blocks you may encounter?

I have always been very imaginative, and I get new ideas every day, but when there is a blockage I try not to think, relax and for example take a walk , meet with friends, watch movies, practice sports, etc.

How do you feel about exhibiting your artworks with The Holy Art Gallery?

It is a great opportunity for me to exhibit my work in different places around the world and for more people know my work and enjoy Dovemania! .

Looking ahead, what are your long-term goals and aspirations as an artist, and how do you plan to achieve them?

I try to think day by day, but my goal is that more people around the world know Dovemania! and my artwork , and falls in love with doves. Also I would love to collaborate with brands or companies to create original, colorful and fun products that can spread Dovemania! joy.

What role does emotion play in your creative process, and and how do you aim to evoke specific feelings or reactions from those who view your artworks?

I could say that my emotions are very important in my artwork, because I try to convey my feelings through it. I try to create artworks that visually attract the viewer and cause an emotion of joy, fun or sadness, depending the illustration.


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