Alex Kagan Solo Show

Born in Belarus, Minsk
Live in USA

I have always been interested in art. Nature captivated me with variety of shapes,
harmony of elements and intense saturation of colors.

Becoming an artist is closely tied to my work as a professional. During a career I
designed and developed CAD systems(Until 90th). I am always interested in the
field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and I like to stay abreast of new developments
in Visual Art. Some newly released applications allowed my dream to come
true—the ability to apply my creative thought and vision to generating digital
artworks. Through meeting of technology and visualization I synthesized my years
of experience in computer science with love of art.

This process had me looking at the task of “art-making” through the lens of
computer programs. Where does the artist’s style take over, or does it? Does the
artist imagination play any part in the process of creating artwork, or he or she a
slave to the machine? Is it only prerogative of the artist to be inspired or does
that ability—often considered transcendent—also belong to the computer? Is it
all about changes in input parameters reflect on resulting images?

AI creates artwork using many parameters and/or prompts depending on type of
software. Analyzing the result, I “command” the computer to repeat the action
again, using parameters and/or prompt different than the original. I apply and
undo changes, experimenting and repeating the process of creating the image,
until I am happy with result.

The image can be printed on photo paper or canvas.

Recently, I begin to animate my AI created pictures. I consider this as а next
important step in development of contemporary art and an opportunity to bring
it closer to the public.

The video files that I attached contains AI generated images and their animation.
