Solo Show


I am an artist working in 2D and with traditional tools and materials. I am not a message artist and resist any kind of description beyond the most basic observations and influences of my work product. My goal is to create a visceral and thoughtful experience that invites the viewer into my world rather than leave them an outside witness. 

I grew up in Michigan, USA, with formal training in visual arts starting as a child and continuing through graduation from Center for Creative Studies. The bulk of my career was as an applied artist (graphic design, art direction, illustration) applying my skills to educational products, publishing, government services, corporate branding and advertising. Those experiences were also applied to part time teaching in higher education and continues to this day. I’ve always seen teaching as one way to give back to a profession that has provided me with wonderful opportunities and recognition.

For more than a decade I have focused on noncommissioned, gallery purposed drawing and paintings and that will continue that direction.


Life in all its colors, textures, patterns and voices held together by the tread of our shared humanity…tenuously, delicately, hoping to travel with just one caring soul. My visual images seek to create sounds from the colors and stories yet to be completed in our imagination from the shapes and forming’s.

To see without assumptions is perhaps one of the greatest challenges I have faced as an artist. To look deeply, with all my senses, into the abyss and discover rather than define and allow experiences to wash over me. I don’t plan so much as absorb what notion is presented and let the spirit guide me. This is not science. Is not predictable or rarely repeatable and is art meant to illuminate and provoke. I don’t believe in style selected or applied artificially but as more of an unconscious personal signature of how an artist speaks. Style should never be confined by subject or materials but rather part of a conversation the artist is having and sharing. 

The artwork reaches out to me, speaks to me, and guides my actions long before I touch the page. It lives before it is born. It’s never about mood, it’s about being in such a receptive state that all your senses align with singular purpose and resolve. 

Living without boxes, without group identity, and without assumptions.

My artistic goal reflects a seeking and a desire to find those visual voices that do not always harmonize but in their distinctive expression create the texture of one’s life.



